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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Relaxation the Natural State

Yoga-Relaxation the Natural State

Being relaxed is a natural state that both the mind and the body should be in as much as possible. Many people no longer realize this in terms of wellness and healthcare as they live from one day to another in a state of anxiety brought about by fast living and lifestyles that don't allow enough time to unwind and enjoy life as it should be.

Yoga is one of the best ways to relearn this natural state for those people who have forgotten what it is like to be relaxed and feel free from all the burdens we bring upon ourselves.

By correcting your breathing techniques and allowing for relaxation to embrace your being you will also allow the energy to flow through your body reducing fatigue that many people seem to have accepted as part of their life.

It is unnatural to be constantly fatigued and chronic fatigue affects a great number of people. There are those people who are unable to make immediate changes to their current life situation however they are more likely than most to benefit from yoga exercises as this will help them to cope better, remain more relaxed no matter what they currently have to endure and also give them more energy to make the necessary changes that will result in an improvement in their lifestyle.

It doesn't cost anything to do yoga in your own time and you can do all the basic exercises that are necessary to bring about change without having to buy any equipment.

Also, no matter how tired you are and how little time you believe you have there is always time to adjust your breathing or stretch your muscles in yoga poses. Those few minutes that you take each day to perform the simplest of yoga exercises will give you the energy to achieve more throughout the day and to sleep better at night.

You will find that you have more time if you make yoga a part of wellness in your life.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Breathing and Relaxation-YOGA for HEALTH

Breathing With Yoga

One of the benefits that most people find when they begin doing yoga is they learn to breathe correctly in a manner that can bring about a calmness and total relaxation almost instantly.

The more yoga you do, provided you are getting good instruction, the better you will become at this and it will help you to remain calm in situations where you would have previously felt stressed.

Conquer Fears with Yoga 

Public speaking is one of the greatest fears that most people have and many public speaking courses combine relaxation methods into their training as this helps to eliminate or at least control the fear that can overcome people when expected to speak in front of strangers.

It has been noted that those people who perform yoga exercises on a regular basis are a lot calmer and can control the situation better than those who have not used any form of relaxation or stress relieving techniques.

By remaining calm and in control the fear of speaking will generally subside and the reality of the situation will be a lot easier to accept and control.

Simply breathing correctly will induce a feeling of calm that will be sufficient to help a person through a public speaking engagement.

Yoga and Professionals

Yoga has also helped many professional sports men and women to perform at their best by eliminating the tension and anxiety that they feel before events. In all sports optimum performance requires that you remain as relaxed as possible at all times and yoga is just the ticket for helping you to achieve that state of mind and body.

Once again correct breathing techniques will help to calm the mind and the body and help the sportsperson to focus on their event in a relaxed manner for optimum results.

The additional benefit of a more supple body also goes a long way in the prevention of injuries for sport people.